Push Dance Company Website

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Black Swordsman Saga

Choreographed by Raissa Simpson

Characters (In order of appearance):





Black Swordsman

Prophet/ Celestial King

Scene I. In post-apocalyptic San Francisco 2012, near the rubble of the Yerba Buena Gardens, a group of bandits have raided a Versace clothing store. They have dubbed themselves the Lords of the Material World. Tracking mysterious footsteps, the group sets up camp for the night. One of the members appoints himself Leader and begins to quarrel with the group. A mysterious Black Swordsman enters. Sending out an unbelievable attack of power, the Black Swordsman subdues the group to his will.

Scene II. (The Dream.) Defeated and unconscious the bandits lie in a pool of their own disillusioned pride, left to an ardent dream of their revenge on the Black Swordsman.

Scene III. Awakened by new footsteps, the bandits bow in regards to The Prophet carrying the Book of Knowledge. The Temptress is particularly interested in the new vigil he brings and receives a secret vial of poison from The Prophet.

Scene IV. The Prophet begins to tell his story of how he stole the Book of Knowledge from his former master. A flashback of his past appears to reveal his private thoughts. Later, a foreshadowing of his future brings new secrets of his plan to form the Celestial King.

Scene V. The Temptress has set up a secret meeting with the Black Swordsman. Preying on his feelings she hands him the vile she received from The Prophet. Thinking the vial is a sleeping potion, she soon learns that it is a slow but deadly poison. In agony, she watches as the bandits take him away for trial and judgment.

Scene VI. Unable to escape his executioners, The Temptress watches helplessly as The Black Swordsman is tortured and judged. She turns against the group to reveal her feelings for The Black Swordsman and betrayal of the group. Unmoved by her pleas the bandits continue, she watches as The Black Swordsman dies and the bandits dance celebratory around in triumph. The Black Swordsman awakens from death and reveals that not only was he The Prophet but is now immortal Celestial King.

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