Push Dance Company Website

Monday, September 1, 2008


"When is Push performing again?" An enthusiastic cry from a dance friend/ patron yesterday. Driving over the beautiful Bay Bridge looking at gleaming water over the coast, I realized a lot is coming up.

Up Next is 2nd Sundays, and a lecture/ demonstration of the multimedia solo Judgments In Milliseconds. At that moment, I began to realized that after our home season we're in for some fun and excitement. We look forward to a few more mixed bill performances and sharing full length performances with some exciting dance companies.

We're still digesting the fact that a new work is starting in October and the rest of year we can expect a lot of fascinating community outreach. Dancers' Group and CounterPULSE's 2nd Sundays is a wonderful introduction into discussing dance for novices and experts alike. What a great way to welcome in September.

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